imitone 0.13.1a — critical fixes !!

Our previous imitone update involved a total refresh of our development tools, in order to support Apple Silicon and future port work (such as VST for Mac OS).  This process wasn't without some speedbumps, and (after a side trip to the Game Developers' Conference) I've been working to iron these out.

By far the most critical problem was that imitone's pitch tracking was compromised on newer Macs running Apple Silicon.  This issue caused imitone to behave as if it had a hard time hearing you — especially when using our experimental tech.  The problem arose from a tiny, normally harmless difference in the way audio calculations are performed on Apple's new chips.  In any case, this update will make sure imitone hears you loud and clear!

Additionally, several new crash bugs emerged in our Windows app, affecting about 20% of our users.  These problems had been latent in our code for many years, and only manifested when switching to newer development tools.  With the help of your error reports they've been pinpointed and fixed!


  • - Fixed a serious pitch tracker defect on newer Macs (Apple Silicon).
    • This issue resulted in very poor tracking with the 0.9 tech and little to no tracking whatsoever when using 0.10 tech.
  • Prevent opening two copies of the app on Mac OS.
  • Fixed access violation with sound feedback (headphones button).
  • Fixed "worker thread" crash when output has 3 or more channels.
  • Windows 10/11 are no longer mis-identified as Windows 8 in reports.


  • Re-introduced automatic help for graphics & sound driver issues.
    • Workarounds are available for error messages involving these keywords: PortAudio, "Pa_..." "SDL", "GL", "Window".
    • This was a server-side change and applies to older versions too.

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